Thursday 29 October 2009

Connecting Classrooms Action Plan 'Welcome To My World' for 2009-10

The following activities have been provisionally agreed by the clusters of schools in Syria (Damascus & Homs) and Sunderland (Redhill cluster).
November 2009-End of January 2010 : My Home & Family.
Students diaries are kept to share with partner schools abroad. The aim is to raise awareness and understanding of another culture.
A diary can be hard copy and/or digital e.g. power-point, MP3 files, short video clips. It might contain photographs, drawings and newspaper/magazine cuttings.
A diary should contain information on things like daily routines, meals, leisure activities, homes and family life.

February 2010-End of April 2010 : My School & Community.
This mirrors My Home & Family but focuses on School & Community.

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