Thursday 29 October 2009

Our schools in Sunderland

There are four schools in our Connecting Classrooms cluster. These four schools are all members of the Redhill Extended Services Cluster.

Grange Park Primary School

Red House Academy

Southwick Community Primary School

Willow Fields Community Primary School

Connecting Classrooms Action Plan 'Welcome To My World' for 2009-10

The following activities have been provisionally agreed by the clusters of schools in Syria (Damascus & Homs) and Sunderland (Redhill cluster).
November 2009-End of January 2010 : My Home & Family.
Students diaries are kept to share with partner schools abroad. The aim is to raise awareness and understanding of another culture.
A diary can be hard copy and/or digital e.g. power-point, MP3 files, short video clips. It might contain photographs, drawings and newspaper/magazine cuttings.
A diary should contain information on things like daily routines, meals, leisure activities, homes and family life.

February 2010-End of April 2010 : My School & Community.
This mirrors My Home & Family but focuses on School & Community.